Here is the album that I've made over the summer.
When I decided to make an album and not an EP, there had to be a sense of continuity within it. I didn't want to just record a bunch of songs so I had to think of a theme. After a week, I've decided to adopt a seasonal component. There are certain moods I associate with different seasons. For example, I associate spring with hope and enthusiasm. I associate summer with exuberance and hedonism. I then tried to translate those moods into musical genres and write songs using reference points.
I remember it getting pretty intense when making it. There were days when I thought nothing but making that album. Whenever I was done for a particular day, I typically felt a kind of acedia over me. To put it another way, it was very therapeutic to make.
It's not meant to be listened on shuffle. Some songs flow into other songs in a natural way. It starts at spring and ends after winter. So please, listen to the album from start to finish.
For felicitations, I'm grateful to my parents for support and allowing me to record in their home and their workplace. I'm grateful to Ross Robertson for providing encouragement and feedback. I'm grateful to John Kim who graciously loaned me equipment and sound engineering expertise.
*this was what I wanted to post here on 22 Apr lol. you can have it now since this little blog will be an unloved, woolen sweater gathering dust in the attic, I believe it deserves some attention, so here you go!
I'm surprised nobody has posted any comments.... I thought the album was good, I especially liked I'm sorry I'm lost, Radiance, Raghid, White room, Leaves (reminds me of .. Albert Park? I don’t know, but I love this song, it’s a little bit sad). I also like the tranquil feeling and the sounds in Horn..It's great listening to these songs particularly after a long day
ps. I think blogspot should have a 'like' button just like facebook lol